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Employee Profile: Meet Martin Rivera
Martin Rivera, Customer Service Agent from one of the AirMax Systems customs. He has express a gratitude for the software access that the company has provided. He is able to be more productive and organized. This allows him to emphasize the foundation of customer service (dealing with customers and proving the service he is able to) He now carries a permanent smile as he goes and comes from work.
Proficient CRM Thwarts Fatal Accidents
The term CRM stands for Crew Resource Management and it is simply the set of principles and guidelines which are concerned with managing the flight within an organized aviation framework.Cognitive skills play a major role in such a context, which are related to the series of psychological processes that are timely invoked in order to gather and spread the crucial situational awareness which is of huge importance in a bid to overcome certain adverse circumstances which may be life- threatening and hence invoking the righteous decisions are necessary for hampering such situations. Albeit, CRM is widely used term in the context of aircraft management and is a widely valued skill set among the leading airlines of the modern era. In other words, modern airlines attach a great significance to core airline crew who would be the part of the flight and hence exclusive training is provided which is related to inter-personal skills, proficient use of communication channels, retaining mental integration and reasoning aspects of brain while in crises, timely response as per situational demands, apt problem solving ability, precise decision making trait, ensuring an important teamwork and so forth. Scholars often argue that such principles and training guidelines and virtues for an ideal crew are not afresh and such guidelines, (precautionary measures) and expected qualities have existed, have widely been inculcated and are largely expected from crew members of both aircrafts as well as of ships, since past century. However, it is only in the recent times that this aspect of personnel training has gained huge momentum and sought widespread importance and as a result, a need is felt across the global aviation spectrum for such versatile and smart skills among the able crew members. Earlier, in more or less the same parlance, different concepts and terms have been coined, such as Airmanship, Captaincy, Crew cooperation etc which, by and large, channelled out similar meaning pertaining to same skill set.
Innovation & New Initiatives
At AirMax Systems, we have several initiatives on the horizon for this year. We are excited about finding new and creative ways to help our customers save and make more money through enhanced offerings, features, and capabilities. Stay tuned as we continue to announce new areas of focus for solution enhancements, customer service programs, and additional guidance and expertise to help you do your job better.
You Deserve Better
I feel your pain, and I think you deserve better. Airlines today are often tied to legacy systems that leverage antiquated technologies or use a combination of software and (pardon my French) manual processes. Both make it impossible to be nimble in an environment where agility is critical and honestly, it’s more available than you think.
Innovation & New Initiatives
At AirMax Systems, we have several initiatives on the horizon for this year. We are excited about finding new and creative ways to help our customers save and make more money through enhanced offerings, features, and capabilities. Stay tuned as we continue to announce new areas of focus for solution enhancements, customer service programs, and additional guidance and expertise to help you do your job better.
You Deserve Better
I feel your pain, and I think you deserve better. Airlines today are often tied to legacy systems that leverage antiquated technologies or use a combination of software and (pardon my French) manual processes. Both make it impossible to be nimble in an environment where agility is critical and honestly, it’s more available than you think.
Route Map
Better Performance Through Intelligence
AirMAX System Flight Scheduler is a secure, web-based reservation and booking system for charter and scheduled airlines.
AirMAX has it all in one, neat package to help your Part 135 Charter or Part 121 Airline save money, keep track of its flight operations, and give the flying customer a smoother ride from point-to-point!Your agents can quickly book or change flights, adjust pricing records, and manage corporate and agency accounts while giving passengers and travel agents many options to reserve travel easily.